Encyclopedias Online
Pebble GO is a kid-friendly, searchable database. Remotely access at www/pebble.go.com or click the link, below:
Pebble GO Username woodstock and password needed offsite.
Britannica Academic: The essentials for conducting thorough research all in one site. Britannica Academic delivers fast and easy access to trusted information with balanced, global perspectives and insights that users will not find anywhere else. No username or password necessary onsite. Click the link, below:
Britannica School: The search is on with the go-to site for research. With every search topic producing a wide variety of trusted, multi-media sources, use Britannica School to build essential information literacy skills. No username or password necessary onsite. Click the link, below:
Britanic Escolar: Quédese enterado de las últimas tendencias y novedades en la educación con nuestra página de recursos y noticias. Aquí usted encontrará diversos documentos y links útiles sobre el mercado educativo y su evolución constante en la era digital. Lo invitamos a visitar esta página a menudo para ver nuevos contenidos agregados periódicamente.
World Book Children's Edition: Let kids explore within this entertaining and educational knowledge database. A world of student resources, easy-to understand articles, and built-in research tools. Go to www.worldbookonline.com or click the link, below to access remotely and username woodstock and password needed off site.