Bennett Student Council
Overview: The term “student council” refers to a group of students who are assembled to represent the student body as a whole (in much the same manner as the U.S. House of Representatives). The primary responsibility of student-council members is to bring the “voice of the masses” to school administrators. Members of the student council will promote positive communication between administrators, faculty, staff, and the student body. Council members will also be responsible for a myriad of activities, such as fundraisers and student “spirit”/team building functions.
Students in 6th grade will serve as officers – president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Additionally, there will be two representatives per homeroom – an active representative, and an alternate. Meetings, for student council officers, will take place during 6th grade recess.
Prior to meetings, officers and representatives will obtain an agenda. The agenda will be shared with the students represented. The feedback from these students will be brought to the meetings. Knowing the feelings of the student body is important to proper representation. It is also necessary when planning events like celebrations, fund-raising activities, and community-involvement projects.
Special Considerations: Student council members must consider the feelings and wishes of the students they represent, as well as the feelings and wishes of the administrators with whom they must work. The balancing act involves learning to work with a variety of individuals, and is excellent experience for students, as council members should realize that serving the community is challenging and requires an enormous amount of time and energy. Students wishing to represent their homerooms and/or serve as officers on student council should understand that this shouldn’t be a popularity contest – the voters/student body should realize the same thing. Student council members have the opportunity to be part of decisions that affect the current student body, and possibly future students.
Special Activities: Elementary Student Councils can become involved in community service projects, such as canned food drives. Councils may also choose family fun nights or other PTA-sponsored activities to promote fundraising for school improvement projects, donations to charitable organizations, or school/grade level field trips. Student council could also be looked upon as the motivators for increasing school spirit – special days could be planned (weekly/monthly) for staff and students to come together in an act of school spirit. Lastly, our student council has the opportunity to leave a lasting impression through a legacy project. Legacy projects are gifts left behind that benefit the school, as a whole. Examples include murals, planting a tree, creating mosaic stepping stones, or raising money to purchase park benches (in Garry’s Garden).